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What happens if you lose a tooth and don’t replace it?

When you lose a tooth and don’t replace it, the typical result is bone loss in the area that housed the tooth. This empty space left by the missing tooth can cause the surrounding teeth to drift toward each other to fill that gap. This shifting of teeth can lead to numerous problems:


  • Missing teeth can cause your cheeks or lips to collapse, making you
    look older.
  • Gaps between your teeth can trap food, fostering decay and gum disease.
  • Your teeth can shift out of alignment, which can result in your teeth failing to come together properly when you bite.
  • This malocclusion (improper alignment) can create atypical pressure on your teeth, which can cause tooth fractures.

To prevent these consequences,tooth replacement is strongly recommended

The name dental implant comes from the fact that it is surgically implanted into the bone. The first step involves embedding a tiny titanium that bonds with your natural bone. Small posts are then attached to the screw. The last step is placing a crown on top.

Why are dental implants one of the best options for replacing a missing tooth?

Though several options for tooth replacement exist, dental implants are the next best thing to a real tooth. For individuals with healthy gums and jaw, they’re hands-down the best options. The advantages of implants include:

  • Implants stimulate the jaw bone, preserving bone and preventing deterioration.
  • Implants don’t cause discomfort like some of the other tooth replacement options do.
  • They don’t require additional maintenance beyond what you would do with a real tooth.
  • They’re long lasting—typically functioning for 20+ years.
  • They’re firmly embedded so they won’t come lose or slip out of place as dentures can.

What can I expect with a dental implant procedure?

Time commitment:  An implant usually requires 2-3 visits. The initial visit, which involves embedding the tiny screws, is typically 30-60 minutes. After this initial visit, 3 to 6 months are needed for the implant to fully integrate into the jaw bone and for the bone to heal. Attachments are then placed on the screws and a few weeks later a permanent crown is placed and secured.

Recovery: The majority of implant procedures require only a local anesthetic and most patients are able to return to work directly after the procedures.

Discomfort/Pain: Though every patient is different, most of our patients tell us that they experienced very little pain. Typically, your gums will be a bit sore, which can be alleviated with ibuprofen.

Contact Batista Smile Design in Miami, FL to schedule a FREE consultation to see if you’re a good candidate for dental implants.

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